Get in Here, Your Friends Are Waiting. Welcome to The Pizza Bistro, come on in and enjoy the best pizza and salad bar around.
Love Thy Neighbor. Being a strong community partner is number one in our books. Also, number one is creating an awesome work environment. Happy employees create employees who are invested in our business and enjoy being at work. We believe happy employees also provide the best customer service…and providing the best customer service is also number one on our list. In all seriousness, we love our community and have received tons of support from them and we support our local schools, churches, police/fire departments, and neighbors.
Tomato, toma-toe…Buffet, Bistro. What? Ah, 2020, what a bag of tricks you are. Have you ever been driving along and hit a giant bump in the road? That’s kinda what 2020 and her friend COVID-19 were like for The Pizza Buffet. And as you can imagine, a buffet concept was not super cool during a pandemic. But being the excellent team that we are, we quickly shifted gears, transitioned our menu a bit, renovated the restaurant, added some cool things – like 8 flavors of ice cream (Did you know Henry’s Ice Cream is manufactured locally in Plano, TX?) and 4 flavors of slushee’s and BAM – the “B” in TPB stands for Bistro. Because of our amazing community, we kicked our game up a notch. Much love.
Everyone Loves Pizza. The Pizza Bistro is committed to providing the freshest of ingredients – excellent is our goal, not just good (or even great, we strive for excellence). In addition to quality ingredients and amazing food, we strive to be a destination. A place where everyone knows your name… just kidding….(if you grew up in the ’80s, you feel this). We aim for a cozy, fun, family-friendly place where the kids can play in the game room, the adults can enjoy a nice cold adult beverage and ages in-between enjoy hanging out at our high top tables with their friends. We’re a little quirky, like to have fun, and hope you enjoy The Pizza Bistro as much as we do. (And if for any reason you are less than satisfied, before walking out our door, we want to hear about it. We will do our best to make your experience a good one. We want you to love our restaurant as much as we do).
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